Maybe it was my fault, because I didn't close the door. But today, just as I sat on the toilet, Gavin decided he needed to use his potty too.
"Mama, Gavy big poo-poos...potty."
"Do you need to use the potty?"
I figure, this is good, he's interested (no he's not potty trained, long story, hopefully soon). I didn't smell any poo-poos, so I figure we're safe. I start to take off the diaper and sure enough, BIG poo poos. Awesome. So, here I am, on my potty, trying to re-tape his diaper, pull up my pants, and run him to the changing table to clean up. In the meantime, Brayden sees us go and takes the opportunity to head straight for the toilet paper roller to unroll the toilet paper (he'd do this all day, if you let him).
After cleaning the diaper, Gavin decides he still needs the potty. Not wanting to discourage him from potty usage, even though I am positive he is not going to go, I let him sit on it and begin re-rolling the toilet paper Brayden had attacked. Thus begins a few rounds of Gavin running off of the potty and when I go to put on his diaper, he runs back yelling, "No mama, more potty."
Finally, I decide we're done and chase my naked child around the house to get the diaper back on. To be honest, this is rare for Gavin, but fitting for today. During this whole episode, Brayden has meandered back to the toilet paper roll as many times as possible before I can catch him. I have re-rolled the paper about 5 times and flicked his hand just as many. This always stopped Gavin, first time. Brayden either has skin of steal or truly just doesn't care, because thus far, he is one stubborn, defiant little guy. And so, now I have a mound of toilet paper on the ground, one child in no pants and one clawing at my leg to get back to the toilet paper mound.
Somehow, we pull it together and got out of the house for a McDonalds date. Here's the thing: I am SO excited to get to McDonalds. Oh, but how the mighty have fallen. When did McDonalds become my saving grace? This is when I realize I want a personal day. (I also realized, I had still not gone to the bathroom.)
I want a moment to think. I want to drive in the car and listen to my favorite song, without having to listen to a running commentary of all the cars on the road, the directions my child wants to go and the people he wants to see. I want to go to a resteraunt, that is NOT McDonalds and not have to pause in conversation to make my child spit, into my hand, a fry he found on the ground and put in his mouth. (Yes, this happened. Gross.) I want to go to the car, carrying only my purse and not two coats, one diaper bag, one blanket, one child and three thomas trains. And more than anything I want to pee in private.
Unfortunately, as a mom you don't get to call in sick, you don't get to flex-time and you can't just make a call and take a personal day on a whim. It's not in the contract. The medical benefits of parenting usually stink too. Puke, ERs, long nights and lots of worry. The salary is non-existant and the hours, well...ridiculous.
In the end, we do it for the Bonus. Seeing our kids grow up and getting to watch it happen. Is it worth it. Yes. Of course. But on days like today...well, I just want to make the call and get my personal day...or at least pee in private.
I'd give anything to pee in private most days. Do your boys ever try to "help" you? My middle one does.