Monday, April 27, 2009

Baby wipes

I am thankful for baby wipes. Much more to me than a bottom cleaner these suckers have made my life so much easier! Not only do they help with the "yuckies", boogers, spit up and poop, but they do oh so much more.
They wipe faces and hands (which may not get the germs entirely off, but as a mom I feel better if they look cleaner and so I feel better.)
They wipe coffee spills in the cup holders of cars and strollers.
They wipe my dashboard.
They wipe my floor.
They wipe the resteraunt table.
They wipe noses...mine or the kids.
They wipe various food items off of clothes, carseats, strollers, faces, hands, etc., etc..
They wipe who knows what off of who knows where.
They are great. I think, when the kids are out of the stage, where it seems mandatory to keep them with you, I may go through withdrawls. Who knows? Maybe I'll just keep getting them, because I really just think they are soooo handy!
Thank you to the inventor of baby wipes. I can't say wetting down a towel is a "genius" idea or anything. But thanks for taking the time to market it and package it. I am grateful.


  1. My friend's youngest is 8 and she still buys the Kirkland wipes and keeps a stash in her car!!

  2. Holly, I just posted a similar thanksgiving note on my blog and came to google in effort to find the inventor and landed here. High five to said person as well as the others who put in place the other daily items we can easily take for granted. Cheers to a wonderful day using such items!
