The boys have been on the upswing. We are still wiping noses, but no longer killing the environment with the amount of tissue we are going through. It's been nice to see Brayden's giggle and hear less of Gavin's cough.
Today, Gavin and mom got to go on a date. We went to Starbucks to get "cocko" and a breakfast sandwich. He opened the door for me, paid (with my card) and saved me a table. We talked about trains, the sunshine and what to get Brayden for his birthday (and of course what to get Gavin, when his turn arrives). It was a sweet time and I was in love as I held hands back to the car and got my cheek kissed.
When I arrived home, Shawn (who had taken Brayden swimming...he switches off with the boys every other Saturday) had Brayden eating breakfast and announced he wanted to take the boys to the fire station to get bike helmets. The next sentence threw me,
"I thought you could stay home and have time to yourself."
Ahhhhhh....the angels started singing and I believe I faintly heard the Hallelujah Chorus. I can't remember the last time I had the house to myself during the day. Even if it's a short time, it has been so nice. I got a shower in, the laundry started, kitchen and family room clean, bathroom relatively clean and a few other side chores done in about one eighth the time it takes with the kids.
The sun is shining, I have my soundtrack playing, the pink tree out front is blooming and all is well with the world. If only for a moment, I am loving sitting in my home, purely content.
God is good all the time, but on days like today, I am reminded just how incredibly good and overly blessed I am. Here in the sunshiney moment, I shall set up my alter to look back and remember His great goodness, when the whining starts and the rain comes.
Thank you God for the reminders to carry us through...we don't deserve Your unfailing love, but man am I grateful!
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