Being the director of children's ministry taught me a few things. Among the top things I took away with me was, never ever say "I'll never" in regards to parenting. I saw the best of all parents reduced to bribing their child into silence and the best of all kids screaming in tantrums as parents looked on helplessly. You really just never know.
But this does not mean I haven't thought a few things here are there. Mostly, I had thoughts along the "mom" lines and they were more in the catagory of, "I wonder if I'll ever?". Here are a few things I wondered about and am fully suprised to find myself doing.
Drinking black coffee on a relatively regular basis (the coffee is not a suprise...the blackness is).
Doing craft projects with my one year old and paint. Whose idea was that? He doesn't get it.
Getting excited about new recipies and frozen meal exchanges.
Sewing. Yes, I sew and I like it.
Paying an obscene amount for a hair straightener, because I really don't have the time to use a cheap one. (This one shocked me, cuz I am really usually quite cheap)
Singing the wheels on the bus over and over...I was going to swear off that song.
Considering mascara and lipgloss a "full make up day".
Knowing the names, colors and numbers of the Thomas the Tank engine trains and using those trains to teach my child. "Would Thomas treat Percy that way?"
Going to the Target dollar bin to let Gavin get a treat, just to get out of the house.
Reaching into the backseat while driving and find the book, toy, or cup that is desired all by feel. (Having a Toyota echo as the family car makes this space.)
Using the line, "Look at me when I'm talking to you."
Making up dorky words for items, such as "snug" (a hug) and "blank-blank" (blanky).
That's just a few. It makes me grateful that I learned not to say "never". It can't be tossed in my face. However, it doesn't mean I am still not regularly suprised at what I find myself doing on any given day. Thank you Motherhood for keeping life interesting. I really do love it.
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