It's been a long week at the Ryans. Gavin's has had 2 ear infections and asthma issues (including steroid medications that have him juggling more emotional inbalance than any teenage girl), we have been trying to refinance, which has included multiple trips to the finance office, which is no where near our house, and I have been trying to tie up loose ends and write thank yous for all the people I have worked with this year in MOPS and the Children's Ministry at church. Not to mention the various things that just happen, like the cat puking up hairballs and grass in my kitchen or a poop blow out so big, there was no way to get clothes off the child without getting it in his hair.
I am tired. I am fighting the urge to use my parents sayings, like "If you don't stop crying, I'm going to give you something to cry about" or "Put a cork in it". I am trying to decide who is more in need of time outs, me or Gavin. I am about to give up on Brayden ever using a utensil. I am spent.
However, tonight in the car, God gave me the reminder. An up beat country song came on. Gavin said, "Come on mom, it's a clapping song" and started to clap like I taught him. Brayden started his version of singing and swinging his blanket around. I looked back to see Gavin clapping and swaying, Brayden smiling so big with his blanket on his head like he was the funniest thing alive, and both laughing so hard. The song played out...
"That's when I love you, when I need you when I care about you, when I know without a doubt that I can't live without you. Every moment of the day and every single thing you do, that's when I love you."
I do love them and I need them and I do not know what I would do without them.
They are supposed to be in bed now. But they are giggling to each other in the other room. I have prayed they would be best friends. That these boys would grow up to love each other. That they would be the support, laughter, encouragement and prayer warriors each other needs. God answers prayers. And He gives us reminders daily...if we take the time to see them.
Thank you God for my boys...and for the reminders!
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