Saturday, July 18, 2009

A small revelation

This weekend I have only Brayden with me. Shawn took Gavin camping as of 2:45 yesterday and I was left alone with my youngest. So far, we have gone on a major Costco shopping trip, run errands to the fabric store and to pick up Thai food, had cousin Ashton and Auntie B spend the night (so Auntie B could get some sleep and I could help with the night feedings), showered (this is added, because as moms counts as an activity), gone to the grocery store, done two loads of laundry and taken care of all the dirty dishes. It's only 9:oo am. Planned for the rest of the day: a trip to visit our friend where she is selling her new line of baby products, Brayden's first big boy haircut (which I am super bummed that daddy took the camera) and maybe a trip out to visit Mimi.

Oh, how quickly we forget all that can be accomplished when only one child is in tow. Part of me wants to skip going to Mimi's house and work on the "projects" I feel piling up around me. However, I am starting to get a bit of a guilt complex that Brayden's and my date weekend will turn into a carseat bonanza! In order to counter this, I have spent some time with Brayden reading (which he doesn't actually enjoy too much) and practicing his dance moves (which he enjoys way too much....usually to the point of falling down).

It is strange to go back to having just a one year old around. The one on one time, the focused attention, having time to try and teach and work on skills. I love it! The coolest part is, I always thought I would feel bad that Brayden didn't really get to have any time with just his parents but this weekend I realized I don't. Not only is he getting some individual time in here and there...when he gets it, I can tell he misses his brother. He searches the house for him and yells "Bra-ba" (which in my opinion means brother, but probably doesn't). I never considered that Gavin may be the one who missed out in not having a sibling in that first year. Hmmm...interesting.'s been a good weekend so far. Brayden has been in true form his flirty, giggly, fabulously all boy, go go go self and I have had a freeing revelation that his life isn't missing anything. It's just really full of people who love him and that's good.

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