Lesson #1
The other day, Shawn went to help a friend at church and Gavin asked, "Dad, where ya goin'?"
"To serve the Lord, Gavin"
"Gavy serve Lord too?"
Shawn and I looked at each other, I was about to tell him he couldn't go serve the Lord, which sounded so bad, when Shawn rescued me...
"Gavin, you can serve the Lord. Let's see, you can take your cup to the counter and help Mommy out and you can share with your brother today, that's all serving the Lord too."
Gavin responded by grabbing his cup and saying, "Oh, okay."
Later that day, he had his "special water treat" from the coffee stand and walked over to his brother and started sharing sips (this is usually a task forced upon him with much whining).
"Gavy serving the Lord, Mom."
"Yes, Gavin. The Lord is very pleased with your heart right now."
It was awesome! I was so proud (and so thankful that my husband took up the teachable moment I was about to shoot down). May I be so quick to learn about the Lord and decide to impliment that lesson immediately and may it last for both of us!
Lesson #2
In the evening, I was reading a book on the couch (as much as one reads with two toddlers using you as a jungle gym and rolling cars up and down your legs) when Gavin climbs up next to me and says, "Gavy read God book, Mom?"
Now what you need to know here is, I had about 20 pages left in this book and I had been working on them for about the last two hours, this is not because I am a slow reader. I so desperately wanted to tell Gavy, "Not now, Mommy is reading another book."
That is when it hit me in the chest...this is what I tell God so often. I want to finish my task, my other book, my to-do list and God's word gets put to the side. This is NOT something I wanted to teach my son or a habit to pass down. And so, I put my book down, walked back to my bedroom and picked up my Bible.
It was so great. Gavin sat with me for about 15 minutes (which is about 2 hours his time, when you consider there are no pictures involved). We read verses, talked about them and even memorized a verse (that we have quoted frequently as he plays with his brother).
"Be humble, gentle, and patient, loving one another." (HV...Holly version, shortened for Gavin.)
What a gratifying time and what a reminder, from my two year old, none-the-less, that it is always worth it to put down what you are doing and spend time with the Lord.
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