It's nearly here...summer vacation! Everyone thinks the kids are the most excited, but I think, quite possibly, my excitement could overshadow any kids. Daddy will be home for a full month! Waaaa-hooo!
I know there are those out there who have the mentality of "teachers get all the breaks off" and are soo lucky. They have great schedules and what not, but I'll tell ya what, I could get on a soapbox about how much more time the man should get and the ridiculousness that he deals with (not to mention, we have to vacation always when all the kids are out and prices sky rocket). However...I won't.
I will say we are excited to have him home and have been trying to bide our time until he's available. He has been working late hours trying to tie up the school year and we've been trying to fill those hours up. The kids are in swim lessons and Brayden is taking karate (very fun), so most our afternoons are filled. We have been attempting to meet friends and do play dates...if the sun would cooperate, this could be much more fun. I really am starting to get disgruntled with the weather!
During July we have lots of plans and I am hoping we haven't packed ourselves too full. We are camping lots and I really want the boys to continue swimming. With three kids, we figure we are out numbered in the water and someone has to be able to keep themselves afloat!
I did realize, I am looking so forward to July, I am merely wading through June....just trying to get by. It's not the best way to do it and not that fantastic an example for my kids. Just plugging along is no way to live and I recently, after a little prayer and reflection, came to the conclusion that every minute is one worth attempting to live with intentionality. I am a firm realist and do realize that here are going to probably be many minutes wasted and ones that were anything but intentional. However, living with the constant looking ahead and planning for "later" really defeats having significant "now" time.
It is a challenge for me. I am tired. Tired of the rain. Tired of late hours. Tired of whining. Tired of buckling three kids in the car just to get coffee creamer. Tired of bad hair days and no time to try and remedy them (this may not change even with time). Tired of being tired.
Still...I am attempting to resolve to hit the caffeine hard and make something of the day. Even if there is just ONE great teachable moment...that is better than a whole lot of insignificant ones that my kids don't remember...or even worse poorly executed moments that my kids do remember.
So Lord Here is my prayer for the "Now"
Give me abounding love for the uniqueness that is in each of my kids, joy in doing the daily routine, peace about all the things I think "need" to get done, but are no where near done, patience to play on the floor and do one more round of Hi Ho Cherrio, kindness to include my children when they want to help with things, even though it usually makes it harder, goodness to go out of my way to serve others, even after a long day, gentleness to guide my kids hands over and over in teaching, and self control to correct and discipline with a heart like Yours!