Monday, February 8, 2010


Brayden likes his independence. When we get out of the van, he wants to "walk". When we eat, he wants his "thork". When we change his diaper he wants to "potty". He doesn't want my hand. He doesn't want my help. He wants to do it himself
Now, if I could get Gavin, who still wants me to put his clothes and shoes on for him, to grasp this concept, we would be throwing a party. However, at one and a half, Brayden is just causing more work with his independent spirit than necessary. I let go of his hand for 20 seconds to get a five dollar bill out of my purse and he ran out of the store today. I had to drop everything and run after him, only to find a lady holding his hand and bringing him back to me with a look. (Thank you for returning my run away...look not needed).
When I took his hand he was mad. He was mad? Where does he get off being mad? I was livid! I just wanted to buy some Valentines stickers for them to make cards. That's all. Two sheets for $3.29...had my child not departed, the transaction would have taken 1 minute. Really! It was terrifying and it happened in under half a minute!
I do not want to foster a child who is over dependent on me for everything. However, I need Brayden to grasp the concept he isn't as smart as he thinks! Unfortunately, I have yet to convince him that the 30 some years of life I have on him are worth anything.
Today as he ran through the house with his sunglasses, boots and construction hat, singing into his mic, I did have to let the smile break out on my face. His spirit is just as adventurous and joyful as it is independent and it is God given. Lord, may I remember this the next time he bolts or tells me to "dop" when I try to do something for him!

1 comment:

  1. Jim Gaffigan has a great comedy bit about that. He says that he'll never understand why toddlers think they can run to freedom -- or away from things. "Where do you think you'll go. You don't know anyone but us. And you can't reach the doorknob."
