Sunday, February 22, 2009

The Secret of the Bunny Ears

I came home from our parenting class tonight, scrambling around to put things away and get the kids in bed. (One of my obsessive traits, I like to start the day without the toys out and everything dirty, as though by some miracle it could stay that way.) I had Brayden down and was trying to clean up a bit before Gavin and I sat to read books. As I was washing the ridiculous amount of sippy cups I finally decided to retrieve from the abyss we call our car floor, Gavin comes running to me in his footy pajamas with his bunny ears on. He then proceeds to hold a pair of bunny ears out to me, "Here Mama." I take them lightly in my wet soapy finger and thumb and place them on the counter...
"Thank you for finding those Gavin."
"No mama, bunny ears. Head."
Child, don't you see mama is not in the mood to be sporting bunny ears.
Here is the thing about the bunny ears. I think they are hilarious. Even better, Gavin loves them! Last May I finally had to throw them out because he had broken an ear and well, frankly they aren't as cute 2 months after Easter. His dad was thrilled. (He is not a fan of the bunny ears and, though not in front of Gavin, he reminds me of it regularly.)
However, I was passing the dollar bin the other day and found two new sets. That's right...two. One for Gavin and one for Brayden. Sweet! And as though they had never been trashed, Gavin went right back to wearing them. And insisting that his brother wear them too. Brayden, much to my chagrin is not a huge fan and this torments Gavin greatly. He can't understand why Brady keeps pulling them off. This is a serious source of concern and frustration for Gavin. We have daily talks about not forcing the bunny ears on Brayden.
And so, I glance at Gavin with his look of expectancy, now understanding how Brayden feels. I don't want to wear bunny ears either. But instead, I place them on my head, getting my hair soapy and wet and turn to look at my son. Gavin smiles at me as though he has just helped to make the world right. Like now I should be okay. Then turns back to the living room to finish playing with his toys.
Oh, child, if only all it took was a pair of bunny ears. And even though life cannot be fixed by a pair of bunny ears, I did find myself smiling as I washed the sippy cups, cleaned up Thomas the Train for the umpteenth time, and cleaned out the diaper bag. Gavin and I wore them together while reading books and I kissed him goodnight with my ears pointing to the heavens.
For Gavin, these ears (yes, I am still wearing them) make things better. For me, Gavin makes things better, and so I wear them. Who knows? Maybe someday daddy and Brayden will understand the secret of the bunny ears too!

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